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Frick Family Albums and Scrapbooks

Identifier: HCFF.06
Helen Clay Frick (right) and governess Marika Ogiz, circa 1908
Helen Clay Frick (right) and governess Mar...
Clayton exterior, 1901
Clayton exterior, 1901

Clayton Album, 1901

 Digital Record
Identifier: 3107300005126
Interior view of the greenhouse at Clayton, the Frick family's Pittsburgh residence, with gardener visible at the rear, circa 1900
Interior view of the greenhouse at Clayton...
Exterior view of The Louvre in Paris. Taken during the Frick family's 1909 trip abroad.
Exterior view of The Louvre in Paris. Take...
Album title page, circa 1880s
Album title page, circa 1880s
View of the East Vestibule of the Frick residence at One East 70th Street, with the house's main entrance on the right. The wrought iron grillwork on the door was commissioned from Samuel Yellin.
View of the East Vestibule of the Frick re...