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Helen Clay Frick Papers, Series VI: Research Files on Jean Antoine Houdon

Identifier: FFP.02.06

Scope and Content Note

This collection reflects Helen Clay Frick’s lifelong interest in the sculptor Jean Antoine Houdon and documents research concerning his life and works. The research files contain the work of Miss Frick, Frick Art Reference Library staff members, and outside consultants. The records span the years 1802?-1976, with the bulk of documents dating from the 1930s-1940s and 1968-1972. Items dated before 1930 include three original documents in the Houdon Papers (1802?-1807), letters and notes of Charles Henry Hart (1890s-1909), and clippings and printed material (1883-1914). The collection contains typed and handwritten research notes, correspondence, photographs, Frick Art Reference Library photo mounts, publications, newspaper and magazine clippings, and typescript drafts and correspondence related to both published and unpublished writings on Houdon.

The materials are organized in the following eight subseries:

Subseries I: Writings, 1934-1955, undated

Subseries II. Works of Houdon, 1883-1973, undated

Subseries III. Related Works/Artists, 1931-1947, undated

Subseries IV. Copies of Houdon Papers, 1735-1879, undated

Subseries V. Correspondence/Memos, 1896-1965

Subseries VI. Research Notes and Reference Materials, 1932-1938, undated

Subseries VII. Research of Clotilde Brière, 1932-1949

Subseries VIII. Research of Virginia E. Lewis, 1967-1970

Of special interest are photostats and transcriptions of the papers of Jean Antoine Houdon in Subseries IV: Copies of Houdon Papers. The originals of the approximately 300 documents were acquired from a descendent of the sculptor, Mme. Jean Perron-Houdon, by Clotilde Brière for Miss Frick in the 1930s. Miss Frick bequeathed the papers to the Bibliotheque Municipale de Versailles (5 rue d l'Independence Americaine, 78000 Versailles, France) in her will, with the copies retained here among her own papers. The Houdon papers include correspondence of him and his family, extracts from birth and death registers, family trees, and documents related to the commission and sale of his works. Mme. Brière's correspondence related to the acquisition of the Houdon papers can be found in Box 7, Folder 12 of the Helen Clay Frick Research Files on Jean Antoine Houdon in this repository. Additional Brière correspondence related to her Houdon research and the purchase of Houdon’s letters can be found in the Frick Art Reference Library institutional archives within the Clotilde Brière Records.

Also of note are the files in Subseries II. Works of Houdon, which contain handwritten and typed research notes, correspondence, nearly 600 photographs, and related newspaper and magazine clippings. The research notes include such information as title, owner, provenance, date, size, material, exhibitions, bibliography, comments on attribution, and biographical and background information on the subject of the work. Correspondence not related to a specific Houdon work, but instead to more general research, is filed in Subseries V. Correspondence/Memos. Works of Houdon are also listed in the same subcategory under Research of Clotilde Brière and Research of Virginia E. Lewis. Subseries II. Works of Houdon contains both subject and individual files for Houdon works (organized by subject/title) as well as for those of questionable attribution.

Helen Clay Frick’s unpublished manuscript on the life and work of Houdon is located in Subseries I. Writings. The approximately 110-page draft of Miss Frick’s “The Life of Houdon as Revealed Through His Unpublished Correspondence and Other Documents” is represented by six typescripts in various stages of completion.


  • Creation: 1802?-1976, undated


Access Restrictions

These records are open for research by appointment under the conditions of The Frick Collection/Frick Art Reference Library Archives Access Policy. For all inquiries or to schedule an appointment, please contact the Archives Department at

Historical Note

Helen Clay Frick (1888-1984), daughter of industrialist and art collector Henry Clay Frick, founded the Frick Art Reference Library in 1920 and served as its director until 1983. Miss Frick's interest in the French sculptor Jean Antoine Houdon (1741-1828) resulted in nearly 50 years of research, for which she enlisted Frick Art Reference Library staff members as well as outside consultants in her work. Miss Frick published "Houdon and Rembrandt Peale" in Antiques, July 1934. Her purchase in 1935 of Houdon family correspondence and records from Mme. Jean Perron-Houdon, a descendent of the sculptor, resulted in an article in Art Bulletin in September 1947, “Madame Jean Antoine Houdon” and inspired the writing of her manuscript, The Life of Jean Antoine Houdon as Revealed Through his Unpublished Correspondence. The manuscript was accepted for publication by Harvard University Press in 1948. When it was determined that the work required extensive fact checking and retranslations of the French documents, Miss Frick, absorbed in a law suit against John D. Rockefeller, Jr. at the time, chose to cancel the contract. When she resubmitted the manuscript to Harvard University Press in 1955, it was rejected. In 1962, Prof. Charles Seymour of Yale University recommended a graduate student to review her Houdon biography, but his assignment was never completed. In addition to her Life of Houdon manuscript, Miss Frick continued to compile research for a catalogue raisonné of Houdon's work during the same time period. In 1968, Virginia E. Lewis of the University of Pittsburgh and Frick Art Museum began building on the accumulated files of Miss Frick and Frick Art Reference Library staff with her own research, but the catalogue was never completed.


11.0 Linear feet (24 boxes)

Language of Materials



Helen Clay Frick (1888-1984), daughter of industrialist and art collector Henry Clay Frick, had a lifelong interest in art history, particularly in the French sculptor Jean Antoine Houdon (1741-1828). This resulted in nearly 50 years of research, for which she enlisted Frick Art Reference Library staff members as well as outside consultants in her work. These research files contain typed and handwritten research notes, correspondence, photographs, Frick Art Reference Library photo mounts, publications, newspaper and magazine clippings, and typescript drafts and correspondence related to both published and unpublished writings on Houdon.


The materials are organized in the following eight subseries:

Subseries I: Writings, 1934-1955, undated

Subseries II. Works of Houdon, 1931-1973, undated

Subseries III. Related Works/Artists, 1931-1947, undated

Subseries IV. Copies of Houdon Papers, 1735-1879, undated

Subseries V. Correspondence/Memos, 1896-1965

Subseries VI. Research Notes and Reference Materials, 1932-1938, undated

Subseries VII. Research of Clotilde Brière, 1932-1949

Subseries VIII. Research of Virginia E. Lewis, 1967-1970


Gift of the Helen Clay Frick Foundation, 2015.

Related Materials

For additional files concerning Helen Clay Frick's research on Houdon, see the Helen Clay Frick Research Files on Jean Antoine Houdon in this repository.

Processing Information

Arranged and described by Susan Chore, 2003. Finding aid encoded by Julie Ludwig, 2013.

Finding Aid for the Helen Clay Frick Papers, Series VI: Research Files on Jean Antoine Houdon, 1802?-1976, undated HCFF.02.06
Part of the Frick Family Papers
© 2014 The Frick Collection. All rights reserved.
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script

Repository Details

Part of the Frick Collection Archives Repository

10 East 71st Street
New York NY 10021 United States