Box 9
Contains 8 Results:
Oliver, John W., 1948
Olsen, Berenice, undated
Orpen, William, 1920
Osburn, Jettie (Mrs. W.N. Osburn), 1955, undated
Pagan, Gary Paul, 1978
Pardue, Austin and Dorothy, 1962-1979
Peake, Charles H., 1964
Pittsburgh Bicentennial Association, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1958
Pittsburgh Experiment, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1963
Poet and Philosopher Magazine, 1922
Pope, John Russell (Office of), New York, N.Y., 1932
Pratt, Tom, 1975
Qua, Patricia H., 1947
Quin, Olein Wyndham, 1951
Ramsay, William, 1920
Rappleye, William C., Jr., 1943, 1945
Rath, F.L., Jr., 1975
Rea, James C., 1968, undated
Rea, William H., 1964
[Reagan, Ronald] [envelope only; card missing], 1985
Redwood, Debby (Mrs. John Redwood, Jr.), 1976
Regional Review League, Bedford, N.Y., 1976-1978
Reiniger, Scott H., 1975
Republican National Committee, Washington, D.C., 1976
Reymond, Elise, 1968
Rhodes, John J., 1976
Rice, Anne, undated
Romeo, Pat (Mrs. Fiore V. Romeo), 1977
Roosevelt, Theodore and Edith, 1903
Rotan, Mary and Thurman, undated
Rowney, Rebecca (Mrs. Ray W. Rowney, Jr.), 1975
Russell-Montgomery, Cynthia [?], 1951
Sacconi, Giuseppe Vitorini, undated
Samuels, Mitchell, 1934