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Subseries II: Unfinished Matters, 1903-1949, undated


Scope and Content Note

As in the General Subject Files above, documents pertaining to a transaction or topic were assigned a numbered envelope. Notations were made on the envelopes concerning action taken and the existence of relevant documentation. Matters considered unresolved at the time of Frick's death were probably left in their envelopes, even though action was often taken and recorded in the course of handling Frick's estate. For missing envelopes, see Subseries III: Finished Matters.

Folders are arranged by envelope number. Unnumbered envelopes are arranged alphabetically at the end of the subseries.


  • Creation: 1903-1949, undated

Repository Details

Part of the Frick Collection Archives Repository

10 East 71st Street
New York NY 10021 United States