A - Miscellaneous [2 folders], 1922-1956
Scope and Contents note
Abegg, Mrs. Werner (Margaret), 1952 - Re Helen Clay Frick viewing the private collection of Mrs. Abegg's father-in-law in Zurich.
Abromowitz, Mrs. Sheldon Lewis - Address only, undated
A.C.A. Gallery, 1943
Adams, Edward, 1926
Aiken Nurseries, 1932-1934
Alexander & Reid Company [Contractors for floor and wall tiling], 1924 - Contracted to Cauldwell-Wingate for work done on Frick Residence, One East 70th Street.
Allen, Mrs., 1925
Allied Motor Transportation Co., Inc., 1940
Almgren, Sven, 1938-1942 - Re planting and hedge clipping at Frick Art Reference Library.
American Appraisal Company, 1952
American Association of Museums, 1931
American District Telegraph Company, Inc., 1935-1941
American Excursion Company, 1927 - Re hiring bus for transport of staff to Bedford, N.Y. for annual picnic.
American Federation of Arts, 1931
American Flag Co., 1936
American Optical Company, 1940
American Red Cross, 1942 - Thank you for $217 donation from Frick Art Reference Library to War Fund.
American Society of the French Legion of Honor, 1933 - Mentions Houdon's funeral monument of Count d'Ennery.
Ames, Mr. A., Jr., Dartmouth College, 1923
Ames and Rollinson, 1952
Anderson, Mrs. Arthur M., 1934
Angelica Jacket Co., 1940
Arden Studios, Inc., 1931 - Order for terrace garden furniture.
Art and Archaeology, 1922
Art Gallery of Toronto, 1936
Art Institute of Chicago, 1944
Art Reference Round Table, 1931 - Minutes of two meetings.
[The] Arts Center Program, Columbia University, 1956 - Response notes, "Miss Frick is not interested in modern art."
Avinoff, A., Carnegie Museum, 1933 - Inquiry about Houdon's sculpture of Princess Daschkaw. Avinoff thanks Helen Clay Frick for fabric for Russian Room in museum.
Awnings, 1930-1952 - Correspondence with Wm. E. Smith & Sons re canopy over Frick Art Reference Library entrance on East 71st Street, and Ernest Chandler for sixth floor awning. Includes fabric samples and drawing on tracing paper.
- Creation: 1922-1956
Repository Details
Part of the Frick Collection Archives Repository